Look at this fine chick on white sheets getting drilled while wearing shoes
Suddenly he pulled out, his face contorted in a desperate panic. He was on the edge, right there on it, and he could fall either way.
“Don’t cum Pet” I whispered for I know the perverse effect my ill-timed instructions can have on him. Moments later he had lost his battle. His inferiority spewed helplessly onto my stomach. It seems this little slut cannot hold his own.
klixenの手コキ動画。1時間で、1回射精させるごとに男から100ユーロを取るというゲームに興じるklixen。男は台の上に拘束されて動きを封じられ、ただただ女の責めに耐えるしかありません。ものの数分で男を射精直前まで追い込むklixen。ペニスに密着してねちっこく責める手さばきを一旦やめ、根元から尿道にたまったイヤらしい液を搾り出すように強く握ってシゴくと、鈴口から多量のカウパーが滴り落ちます。何度か扱いて根元で手の動きを止めると、ヒクッヒクッと小刻みに戦慄くペニス。射精の半歩手前、精液を射出する筋収縮は起こっていないけれど軽くイっているような、絶妙な寸止め。脳髄まで蕩けてそう…。その気になれば、男は数秒と持たずに射精してしまうでしょう。しかし、ただではイカさず、ねちっこく責めて男の性感を完全にコントロール。最後は精液がドロリと吹き出るような、快感を抑えつけられたようなruined orgasms。
you love my regular one-hour-massage-sessions, don't you? ...oh, there's a lot of money in your wallet...hmmm...this time for every cumshot you give me... let's say 50 euro? no? 100 euro? ok, i think this will be a hard hour for you - believe me, i will try to earn a lot of your money and you will come and come and come... i hope you are in good shape.
you were very brave the last 40 minutes and gave me a lot of cum. now i give you the possibilty to keep all your money... or loose it. the new deal: if i bring you to orgasm again during the next 10 minutes all of your money is mine, if not you can keep it. so you better don't come and i'm sure you will try it... first i will fetch your cum, afterwards your money...
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